I think the end of a relationship results in a grief reaction much like a death. And as in a death, we need closure in some way. The funeral can be a closure and sometimes there are other ways such as memorial services, but for a lost relationship, culture offers no closure.

Maybe these harmless meetings are a going back that is a form of closure only longed for in the death of a loved one. How many of us wouldn't go back to meet a loved one lost to death jues to say goodbye. Maybe these reunions are truly harmless and something we need to put it all behind up and move on.

I have a whole different story to tell about a love that was never lost and never died even at the death of the lover, It's a tragic story but I'm not ready to talk yet. Maybe later.

We all have to do what we have to do to survive. And as boomers, we can only protect the wife sister who did not post, but needs our love and we also have to support the boomer who has the guts to post. Not easy.
