Hi Kate, yes, I hope you do continue to post. I completely understand your statements about unfinished business and closure. I was in the process of learning that I had cancer when my thoughts went to who I wanted to see before I died. And my thoughts went to that former boyfriend. We had no closure when we were young...None at all! Just a lot of an inability to communicate. He saw love and light in me when I had none for myself. I will always appreciate that. And had I had any ability to love, I would have loved him. Now that I have experienced true, unconditional love, I was able to see him, finish our unfinished business, gain clarity, and closure. My husband does not need closure, but he understood my need at the time. He said that if my seeing my ex was important to me, then it was important to him, too. And it was important to the ex bf too. It wasn't all about me. And I see that this meeting of your ex bf was not all about you, either. I believe you had to go through these heavy emotions in order to progress in your healing. It seems harmless enough to me, for the both of you. Love and Light, Lynn