I think my best date was one where I was quite young, 21 I think, and my date was my husband. But not my husband at the time.

I had worked for him aboard ship and lived there with the rest of the crew since I was 19 and then3 months before this date, we "found each other". For many reasons, all the crew left the ship for different ports and there we were just the two of us to run a ship that needed 7.

John decided to take the "crew" (me) out for dinner. We went to the Hukilau in Key West and ate on the veranda. We really could not afford this but it seemed so right. Here we were int eh tropics, eating delicious food and drinking great wine and for the first time "being on a date" together. For a moment during the meal I actually got a little nervous having a romantic dinner with a 36 year old man. (Believe I got the cart before the horse long ago on this own, if you cathc my drift). Anyway, I was a babe in the woods being treated like royalty by this worldy man and he was in love with me. Very heady for a 21 year old.

I would like to visit that time again once. Just sneak in for a peak you know?
