Ya know, I hear stories directly from women that say that their husbands bore them, don't satisfy, ect. I understand that two incomes are much better for them. Understand the security. What I don't understand is how someone shares such intimate space with someone you truly don't love...someone that bores you.

[Confused] They aren't worried about bills though. Am I missing something?

Thank you Dots for being so open-minded, especially respecting that we all have different maps in our lives that make us who we are. My backbone that you speak of is getting pretty weakened with the loads I carry and have for years.

I didn't choose this man because of another larger reason. I fear God knows my heart and would not like for me to intentionally use him.

Maybe I should ignore that if I ever want a husband? Maybe I can learn to love him?

My bathroom window is alway sorta cracked for fresh air. Many days when it extremely dark out and I'm using the bathroom, I chuckle to myself that a monster is going to come out of that darkness, stick his hand in there and still me. Juat a fleeting thought to myself occassionally...Well, one day when my 'boring friend' was over, I went to use the bathroom. I looked outside into the dark and whispered, "Monster, if you're out there, this would be the perfect time to steal me cause this man is boring the *$*$ out of me." He never came so I went back to sit with Mr.Boring. This time I was laughing. He was just happy that I was happy. Isn't that 'cute'?

[Big Grin]
