Hi, everybody. I'm new & I love this site & I love this topic!! I feel like many of you have been following me around because you are telling so many of the "secrets" that I have spent a lifetime learning, the hard way. I'm an extreme introvert and have always felt ashamed of craving being alone. A few years ago, I took the Meyers-Briggs from a professional, who explained that that was just the way I was born. Finally, I felt like I had permission to be the real me. Since then, one of the most important things that I've learned about myself is that I don't get lonely. If I am alone long enough, I do get bored. Then I go looking for someone to play with; never hard to find. This has been one of the most valuable lessons of my entire life.
PS. I've been married 3 times, the last time for 25 years. Divorced 2 years ago. Every time I got married, about 3 months into it, I asked myself, "Why in the world did you do this?" Never got a good answer, except that "married" is what respectable grown-ups do. I have now accepted that not only am I a confirmed introvert, but I am not and will never be a respectable grown-up. Ah, yes, freedom.....