hi Starting Over.. well .... i have come to some definite beliefs through the years ....but i am no longer christian and wont be 'converting' to another faith group, so how can i identify myself ? How can i put in words, the various things i think life is all about ? How do i express a "way' ..... which i am always learning more about? Seems like 'gardener' can descripe what i mean .... within our own bodies, is a physical structure, not unlike a seedling, young or mature tree .... and each tree is a world in itself, absorbing, putting forth, giving shelter, providing nourishment, stabalizing the ground around it .... and every single tree is part of the greater forest or garden..... and yet we are more than trees as we can bend down and pick up, we can plant and root out ... we can plant flowers so scentful and colourful, butterflys and bees will come, birds will sing.... or we can throw garbage out onto the moss, old furniture into the creek .... let the dandelions take over .... you know what i mean ?

This planet is a garden, a forest, a desert and much much more ... who am i while here ?

<small>[ March 15, 2006, 04:52 AM: Message edited by: norma ]</small>