Let me ask you something since you posed that question...ahem...How do you eat? You eat just like me, one meal at a time.

No, I'm not being silly (or maybe I am) but the point is this. I manage the same way you manage. I only buy what I can afford. If I had two salaries to depend on, then I would probably buy what TWO salaries could afford.

I guess what I am saying is that it isn't any different for me than it is for couples, with the exception that their toys are bigger than my toys. teehee...

And even then, that's not always true. I know singles who make approx. the same amount as some married couples I know, however the single person can afford more than the married couples...why? Because they manage their moola better.

And now you've opened a can of worms cause THAT is a pet peeve of mine. I don't listen to whiners and complainers who tell me they are always broke, woe is me...poor pitiful me...then go out and buy every piece of scrapbooking material on the market...or get their children a cell phone because they didn't like the one they had, it didn't show pictures....or they can't pay their car insurance but they have call waiting, DSL, and every cable show known to man...Yet when I point out that if they took off the call waiting, three way calling, caller ID and such, they could save X amount of dollars and put that money in savings for an emergency, they say "but we HAVE to have some kind of enjoyment." Uh huh...

I don't believe it matters how much money you earn, but what you do with the money you do earn.

If you don't believe me, checkout Cheapsakemonthly.com and read the theory behind it. Tell Mary I sent cha...<Queen stepping down from soapbox>