Having a microchip put in your pet is the safest and surest way of identifying them so they can be reunited with their owners. We have actually on a dozen or more ocassions been able to get a dog back home again when found hundreds of miles away from where they lived. Most dogs when they get out wonder around and sometimes when frightened will run, run and run and can cover a lot of territory away from their home. Not many dogs are found at, or taken to the local shelters unfortunately. Some are to scared and they won't come to a person, they run away. We had a heck of a time with this dog last night she was terrified. I finally just sat on the ground and opened a can of food and offered it to her in my fingers. That took over an hour but once she ate and drank she began licking me and I was able to leash her and she got into the van. This morning she wagged her big old tail and seemed happy to be washed and even licked Dr. Mikes face. All of my animals carry a chip for their safety (and mine.) Its like anything else however, a choice and Bluebird you are so funny, I doubt anyone would want to chip people. I'm calling her Smoochie because thats all she wants to do. Oh and did I say she takes up the ENTIRE couch???