Thats good that you love to laugh JJ because you certainly make the rest of us belly laugh every single day, even when your being serious...LOL

Has anyone ever heard of a Newfoundland? Well let me tell you they are one huge breed of dog. We got one in very late last night that seems to be a pretty old girl and it looks as if someone dumped her at the rest stop out in the desert, they left her a bowl of water.(dried up) No telling how long she'd been there and was waiting for her owner to return, she wouldn't move from the spot....Poor thing, we were finally able to coxe her and she was washed, and vet checked today and is now a guest in my home till she we can find her a permanent one. Again no collar, and she wasn't chipped. Please people have your pets chipped, its harmless, painless and so helpful in returning them to their owners if they should stray. What do you groomers think of chipping pets? Yea or nay?