Thank you Canine Design and Jaw Jaw. I welcome the opportunity to correct some misconceptions here on this orginal topic. I am not trying to add fuel to a smoldering fire on the contrary, I just want to educate the readers here on a different spin to the original posting.

Groomers are passionate about what they do, me included and its obvious that all the postings here are concerned about the inference that we aren't but that corp. grooming is a safer environment. And that's simply just not true.

Groomer's are notorious for seeking out support and education to improve their skills which is why there are venues like One of the members of that board found this original posting on this topic and pasted the link to BWS to send replies.

I apologize if my posting was viewed in any other light other than being educational. I am a devoted groomer and supporter of anyone who grooms for a living. It's hard work and none of us would do it if we didn't love what we do. I use to have an executive postion with Price Club, I have an education and skills far more advanced than I use in the grooming profession. I chose grooming because it's fulfilling. It doesn't make me rich in dollars but rich in personal satisfaction and for me, that's enough. I'm lucky to have found my niche in life.