Okay, Okay, BoomerGroomer. I will ask. For now, my daughter seems to have it. However, I am getting scared cause she is leaving to go back to college. That means 'me' will be pups' mommie, right.

I have to admit, I do find myself checking on her a lot, making sure he water's clean/filled and even playing with her. I think I'm falling in dog love! Not so bad. She is very cute but from the sounds of it, this is gonna be a huge doggie.

A garden hose? A huge pail? Whoa! That's too much too fast right now. Yikes!

I would hate so take her to some idiot as you all have described above so I shall ask before heading off to one of those groomers.

This pup is 7 wks so is it time for the shots and nueter things? Is it best to nueter? Am I spelling that right? Nueter seems cruel and painful.