I bet I've had to name 100 dogs or more over the years. When we find lost or strays with no ID, I name them giving them the name I think suits their personalities. We rescued a giany Great Dane and he was black and white so Polka Dot became his name, the last dog we rescued was a huge black nearly 100 pound dog and all he wanted to do was kiss me, so Smoochie became his name. This post is great because I can hear all the love echoed here in the names of your pets. I recently retired from fostering but got a call two nights ago about a box found on the side of the road that contained five new born pups, two were dead and three were not good. After the vet did his magic, I picked them up the following day and now one is on my lap as I write this and the other two are curled up with my Yorkies, Reeta and Rosee. They are all males, scruffy little things and I named them Larry, Curly and Moe....Not very original but the names seem to fit them...Here we go again!!!

Edited by chatty lady (08/13/06 06:16 PM)
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