HaHa, well thanks Chatty my family thinks I'm crazy!! LOL It's funny though everyone asks how I can have so many animals in the house but it is surprizingly peaceful. The cats are pretty much either warming a lap, eating, using the litter box or off doing their own thing wherever that is. The bunny and birds are in their cages and out about once a day for some playtime. The dogs are usually found lounging on, or under something, chewing or sleeping or in Savannah's case guarding my lap against intruders lol. And most of the time the golden is outside as she loves it out there and she is a little too rough and tumble for my old whippet. My horse (the one who is not for sale) is at a boarding stable across town, which I hate but I live in town so that's just how it's got to be. I try to go see him every couple of days and he gets excellent care from the stable staff.

I really like the names of your yorkies Chatty. It kinda reminds me of a customer that had two very sweet adorable female pit bulls out of the same litter named Chili and Salsa. I'm not really a pit bull fan but these girls were true sweethearts!