Smile, I agree there is a big difference between confession and repentence. Anybody can confess to doing something but that doesn't mean they are sorry.--and there's even a difference between I'm sorry I got caught and I'm sorry I hurt someone. If they aren't grieved over what's been done then I don't think it's genuine.

Norma--yes there will be days when you may feel you have to go back and start over at the beginning. that's OK. Forgiveness is a process. If you can imagine the roots of a plant for a moment. A plant doesn't just have one root. There are many roots and tons of tiny, tiny roots that shoot off the main roots. When unforgiveness (or bitterness, jealousy etc) have been allowed to take root there will be this kind of 'root system' all over your heart and mind. You may think you've dug out the root, but when you feel you have to go back and start over it just means that God has shown you that there was another little root that you need to deal with before it grows any bigger.

I know it's easy to get discouraged, but take heart! Starting over and working through again just means you are one step closer to being totally free of this once and for all!