I know little about dogs, but I wonder if some of the problem with pitts and other large breeds is that people fear them and they sense it.

I know from growing up on a farm that even the calmest of animals will attack if they sense panic. There have been several children killed and maimed around here lately. I wonder if the dog starts out playing with the child then accidentally frightens it and sensing the child's fear, injures or kills it.

But that does not explain the baby in a carseat on a front porch dragged off and killed as the grandmother tried to get it away from the pitt. Or child that stuck his arm through the fence to pet a pitt bull and the dog tore his arm completely off before the mother could get him out of the fence.

Oh well, it was just a theory. The owners of both of those dogs were on TV telling how gentle their dog had always been. And how good they were with kids. ??
