well, with 5 pages of posts there probably really arent any other points that need to be made here, but i'll put my two cents in anyway...a pitt is not neccesarily a dog breed i would go out & get for myself, but i also dont agree with legislating people's pet choices. i spent about 20 years working with animals for a vet clinic, a boarding kennel & a show/breeding kennel(german shepherds). the owner of the boarding kennel owned 2 pitts & they were very friendly towards people...wouldn't put them in the yard with another dog tho. one thing about a boarding kennel is you get to work with almost every breed there is. i've been bitten by more dachshunds, chihuahuas & cats than any of the pitts i worked with ever even thought about...and to this day i wont trust a chow as far as i can throw him(sorry to any chow lovers...)
pitts have a bad rep because of the types of people that own them. early training is a must, as well as getting one from a reputable breeder who breeds family & not protection/fighting dogs. how you raise the dog goes a long way, but you cant discount genetics.