Sammie is an amazing bird, Dianne. She is always doing something different. I love hearing your stories about her.

I just had to bring this up...I forgot to tell you gals about it. It happened before my fishing trip a few weeks ago.

I walked out the door to go to work at 7:AM, opened the gate, stood for a sec making sure I had my keys in my pocket when I looked down to find a six wk? old puppy at my feet.His tail was wagging as fast as it could and he was jumping up on my legs. I looked around for an owner(?)picked him up and...Gosh, he was just beautiful. Tan colour with the bluest eyes I have seen on a dog. I went back in the house, called MOH (my other half) who was still sleeping, from working the night shift and said. Look what I found, can we keep him... we're keeping him(?)his name is Blue. Sure, can't see why not Mr. sleepyhead said. Put him and Buddy(my Dog) in the yard so they can play together. Looks like a pitbull to me, he said....My heart sank. We're not keeping him, I said. I can't...I just can't.

I poured some food and water for the starving little thing and left him and a happy Buddy playing together in the yard. At 12 noon I got a call at work from MOH. He said "I found someone at work who wants the Dog. He is a good family guy and has been looking for a pitbull. I was sooo happy that I didn't have to go home and face watching that puppy leave.
All my research on Pit Bulls and one lands in my lap(pun?)...uncanny.

I just couldn't find a way to feel right about having a Pit Bull. I guess it goes back to my previous story about my Lab attacking me(he had a brain tumor) and researching and wondering why it happened.
So it's No Pit Bull for me...but he WAS the cutest thing I've laid eyes on.
