Owners need to be responsible for their animals. Two years ago my son moved back in, and brought his pit bull with him.
Roscoe fit right into your palm at the time. That's no longer the case.
We have had two attacks in our area, one involved the older lady walking her Shih Tzu dog. Both pits attacked her dog, she tried to pull them apart and was also attacked. If, I remember correctly this happened out in Partlow.
Point of the matter is the woman who owned the pits had been warned several times to keep her dogs up. No heed was given to that request.
Animals are not capable of taking care of themselves, responsible adults need to.
Roscoe is never taken outside, without a collar and leash, plus a responsible adult holding that leash. Large cage handy, in case he doesn't want to listen to commands, or while others who are frightened of him are present in our home.
More need to be frightened of my 5lb. Min-Pin Girl than of Ross, she thinks she twice his size, I know her attitude is. Yes, she has her own little cage. Then, Bridgett my 11 year old Shih Tzu, what a sweet natured dog she is.
Truth be told owners need to be responsible, they know the temperment of their animals, and how they have been rasied.
