Dear Chicadee

I plan on writing more books. They're in my head right now and they'll show up at the right moment when the desire to write occurs.

I have found that with anything there is a time and season because one's path in life strangely enough is already marked...we tend to just discover it.

With regard to saying it is already marked. When you make a decision you create a line of energy where all the events that are required already begin to just have to keep going and stay on that line of energy until you get the outcome. It is only in changing the mind that we start many other lines of energy and experience other events. To some this would appear as chaos.

The masters within time have always understood that mastery of the mind and one's choices brings the intended outcome of anything we seek. So it is in our best interests not to let chaos guide our mind thinking that life is outside of us and that we have no power over the events in our lives. We have a choice! And that is the greatest gift that we could ever have...the ability to choose the life we wish to lead.

Mind you, I will write the sequel to Sunblood, and there's a book I'm going to write with my brother Duke. He's quite a bit like me with regard to his awareness, but he has a greater gift in the sense that when he speaks, he speaks in such a way as to help people remove any blocks in their path, psyche or emotions so that they can see a clear way in their life with regard to almost anything.

He's very good at helping people ground spirituality into action, which is where many people get caught because many teachings in this world just stop at spirituality. They don't teach people how to use this spirituality in everday life in mundane or important matters.

It will be awhile though before the next book is out. The anvil of time does not live within the heart of life, and so the moment gives it's precious light to the awareness of those that listen. And thus I will only know in the moment when the heart's desire begins to rise and truth rears its head. And then the story begins.....

Thanks for asking Chicadee and thank you for your kind words!

With love