I have 2 Yorkshire Terriers who are 8 year old sisters from the same liter. Because of my work with the SPCA and fostering they have been exposed to many different dogs. Both have been raised exactly the same in all ways yet Rosee loves everyone and is quite friendly where Reeta will get quiet and just stare and then if approached she snaps and I know she might bite. There is no reason for this difference yet there it is. I have raised German Shepherds and Dobermans who were the sweetest dogs yet very much the guard dog especially when my sons were toddlers. The dogs were very protective. NO dog breed is inherintenly bad. Sometimes its just the owners and sometimes it is something negative in the animal. Like two twin brothers raised exactly the same, one an A student the other having to struggle just to pass. Go figure! [Razz]

[ August 02, 2005, 09:46 PM: Message edited by: chatty lady ]