A law to eliminate ALL pit bulldogs in Oklahoma is being proposed by a state lawmaker, but animal lovers think the U.S. Constitution will be their best friend in this "dog fight."

Rep. Paul Wesselholf is drafting a bill to outlaw pit bulls statewide as he continues to help a family whose 3 year old son lost an arm in an encounter with a neighbor's four pit bulls about a month ago.

"Pit Bulls are bred to be fighters and killers," he said. Pit Bull terrier owner Marlene McCabe(Green Country American Pit Bull Terrier Club -members 25) said "they are taught to be killers."

So far the city of Denver has outlawed the breed. This OK law would grandfather in all pit bulls currently in Oklahoma. However, pit bull owners would have to sterilize their dogs which would eventually wipe out the breed.

McCabe has garhered 155 signatures to oppose legislation.

I thought I would continue to post on this subject as I am still intrigued with the idea that a gene or something(?) could be responsible for the change of behaviour in this particular breed. I have been researching and I have taken a Leigha approach in looking for answers. Somewhere in all that has been written, could lie an answer/s.

I am reading your book SUNBLOOD, Leigh also. I just started and have become totally enveloped in it. Truly Amazing.
