Dear Dotsie

Thank you for your kind words Dotsie.

With regard to 'I love to protect', that's the first natural response which comes from the old brain. It's the warrior aspect...which I've got in spades with regard to reaction...we've all got it.

To break down what's behind the words....'I love to protect'...we have to understand that the human body is complex and fear was a prominent aspect in our ancestors lives...(if you look at history...nobody trusted anybody throughout the centuries, ie the barbarian times...Roman Times ad infinitum...all the way to today)....however trust is finally starting to grow because of education within our world and the understanding of energy.

You see our first instinct with regard to protect is a) seeing a threat & b) eliminating the threat and that is the mind's response based on a perceived threat. The ego vibration within the mind (ie: the mind vibrates at many different speeds relative to emotions...fear...happiness etc. Our feelings govern, in many cases, the vibratory rate of consciousness that we let into our we are what we think...we are what we have learned....our dna carries the energy of all the experiences of our ancestors...which means we also carry their memories...which accounts for some deja vu experiences.)

So what we have to do is look at why we want to protect...what is in us...what fear are we experiencing on a personal level, that causes us to fear for someone else.

We also have to rationalize if the fear is there a real problem in this moment.

Here's the big question...'How do I protect my kids without them always having to perceive that they are living in fear.'

In order to do that one must give the children the tools of understanding their own connection to the inner wisdom within....a whole new education has to develop where children are taught the power within...from an understanding of science and energy....within religion we are taught the power of God but we are never taught we have power, or that the inner voice is power and thus we still have to rely on being that some unknown entity knows what's going on and will protect us..however that unknown entity lives outside of us.

The truth is mankind has always worked to keep power from regular people because they operate from a sense of loss within their consciousness..that's why we have the rich and the poor...the folks (going back in time, where this started..centuries ago) fought to protect themselves and saw wealth as the protection...the world has always sought wealth for protection) but today...through education we are realizing that, yes wealth can help protect us and make our lives easier...and who wouldn't want it...wealth is a wonderful thing because it can be used to help people and has been used to help people who are less fortunate.

However...when we get down to the nitty gritty...the only real protection is the voice within...and the education that allows our minds to open old boxes of perception that need an airing because of old belief systems that aren't getting the job done.

In understanding the make-up of the human mind and the body's energetic reactions we truly have power..

With regard to 'I love to protect'...the story I lived 'SUNBLOOD' came out of was actually the warrior energy to bring truth back to mankind so people would no longer be controlled through lack of knowledge, so that they could see that they can make better choices....I wrote SUNBLOOD to protect and help people...but I also realized that what I had to write to protect people had to give them 1) an awareness 2) information that they may have never seen and 3) a way to see beyond the perceptions they have today.

Those are the steps to enlightenment...enlightenment just being....the opening of the mind to new choices, choices that empower the self and choices that empower others...choices to help others grow rather than choices designed to save others from their own lack of knowledge or ignorance, choices that stop them from growing.

Choices to help others empowerment.

Choices designed to save others from their own lack of knowledge or ignorance...choices that stop people from growing by trying to protect them from seeing a lack of empowerment within the other person. You are not allowing them to grow...

Mind you it's important, for example with children you to teach the kids that they have choices and you have to make sure that you give the children the tools to make the right choice.

For the most part mankind believes that the tools and education come from outside ourselves...and in one part they are right...our advancement with regard to knowledge and technology has allowed our minds to expand rapidly, causes us to constantly test our belief systems and that's good...we are breaching the mind's defenses and fear.

But the inner voice, along with an education and knowledge is a journey that is fabulous, exciting and fulfilling. Within that place one does not need to find fulfillment outside of oneself...but that too is a threat to outside interests because if you can be fulfilled within you no longer need products to fulfill you.

However, we will still by products out of need, want or enjoyment and once people realize that, especially in the marketing and advertising world we will all move toward a more inward understanding and peaceful way of life...with no threat to commerce....commerce being our main source of support, and thus on the opposite end our greatest fear that that support will leave..

Ultimately, the real fear we all face underneath all of the packaging of our death...the separation of our body and spirit...that's the ultimate fear that causes us to want to protect...

So in connecting with the inner voice..over time we come to trust that voice and thus that 'fear of death fear itself' begins to leave.

It can show up periodically...but our trust in something greater eliminates the fear over time.

You see fear comes because of a catalyst, it doesn't live in you permanently, it only shows up when a catalyst threatens or reminds you of separation, and that's linked to the old brain which is linked to survival issues and that kind of energy.

People also enjoy protecting others...because they have not completed their own growth...and they fear that others do not have the knowledge that they do, or the power that they feel that have with regard to how they protect themselves.'s lack of trust in life...and seeing love from fear.

I say this because I've lived it...I was always terrified for my son and so I protected him...until I realized, along with help of my brother, that it was important to give my son the tools to make wise decisions and to listen within! Not to be drawn to make decisions because of others or what is outside himself!

We also want to always protect others because our consciousness is always outward bound, where the threats live, instead of inward bound where serenity and peace live.

If you'd like to start a post about why we love to protect...that's great Dotsie!

With regard to the Featured Author forum I'll have a look and see what I can give you with regard to panic attacks.

With love