Dear Unique

I am aware of the pit bulls reputation because it has been bred for response to the pit bull thread was in relationship to education...people need to be aware of the breed they have and the training involved.

If a breed exists it is better to be educated whether you own the breed or, not (ie because one has a fear of it. ie( the breed still's better to have knowledge whether you are an owner or not).

Pit Bulls create fear within people.
Any fear requires one seek knowledge to eliminate the fear. I don't know if you understand where I am coming from...I see everything from one aspect only...the spiritual aspect and power....and listening to the voice within as they are all the same thing.

Within that one does not encounter outside painful experiences. That is hard for many to understand...but once having reached that sees things in an entirely different way.

In regard to me 'risking someone's life on it,' it's none of my business with regard to the decisions people make. It is their decision to be fully informed with regard to any type of decision that they make in their life.

In this world we take power away from the people by denying and getting rid of whatever can hurt other people...without teaching them how to change.

The truth is...unique that everything we experience that is negative comes from our own inability to connect with the power within...which has all knowledge...and I'm not saying this from an esoteric point of view...because I live took many years to break the fear within and no longer experience pain from the outside world or horrible circumstances....

I took responsibility for my decisions and I knew where they were leading me to because I spent the time learning to see and getting every piece of information I needed along the way in order to fully make a decision that would only bring peace.

Now some would say we are responsible for other people and their pain because they don't have information or don't even think to look for it...but isn't that the case within the whole everybody responsible for everyone else so no one suffers and no one has truth is...each individual has the ability and the power to erase the pain in their own lives and to make decisions that do not cause them pain....and that's when the real journey in life begins...when you tap inner power...until then people will always live in a crap shoot world...and again that is their choice..

Ultimately, when we realize that people are responsible for their own choices...then individually everything will change in this world...because it isn't just about pit's about fear and all circumstances that derive from fear...but the human mind must always look outside of itself at outward circumstances, fearing to look inward to face one's own fear and thus be able to see more clearly within one's life.

There are many consciousness levels in this world Unique...the only way to address the fear and pain in this world is to address one's own...because you cannot protect the world from its fear or wrong doing...whether its breeding pit bulls which have an innate gene to fight, or fighting other people's civil wars because despots kill and starve their own people.

This game will live forever...until each individual starts seeing differently and only then can real change happen...and it will take years because of all of the different consciousness levels there's no doubt about that.
Unfortunately, people only learn from pain...

And while that's ongoing, if we take it upon ourselves to enlighten mankind..with regard to helping them to see that they must thoroughly investigate any choices that they are going to make before they take action, that's great.

With care