Dear Chatty

You nailed're right, every dog has its own personality...but I've learned with the big dogs...because they are so devoted to their owners and families that you have the greatest opportunity to work with them and socialize them because they have this amazing quality of wanting to please. have to know who's boss and you can't divert from it. In fact most of the big breeds do better with training than without because of the nature of the breed. Rottweilers were the dogs the Romans used to carry supplies....they also like to herd.

All of our Rottweilers would constantly follow us what we're doing...poke their head in the dryer when we fill it with close..inspect grocery bags we bring in.. They would never bother anything...they were just curious and wanted to learn.

They love training because it keeps their minds occupied. Dogs need to know where they stand. They are also amazing and they'll give you whatever you put into them and whatever you expect from them.

With love