If that were the case and we let fear govern us we would have to uthanize every dog in America because it might bite....seems like I am over reacting a bit then then??? The real problem is you only hear about the BAD Pit bulls. They are news but believe me I see many other breeds put down because of bad or menacing behavior. For instance it wasn't too long ago Boxers were under attack in the South because of some instances, yep they wanted them all killed and a law issued against breeding them...where would that leave Trixter or my friend Sandys beloved boxer?? Its a crap shoot like anything else. Is the dog good or bad. Is this man faithful or a scoundral. Is this woman your friend or a user. Nothing is for sure, we have to do our best and take it one day at a time...I for one refuse to live or preach living in a bubble. [Cool] [Eek!]