Oh my goodness, here we go again on one of those subjects that everyone hears about but no one really knows for sure. My granddaughter owns Prince a 2 year old Pit Bull. He is without a doubt the sweetest dog and thinks hes a cat becase the cat was his surogate mother when a pup and she still wacks him around BUT he is a good watch dog with an impressive bark. My son has owned 2 Pit Bulls that were both great family pets and good with the children and new baby when he was born. I took care of them when the family was away and never had a problem. I have foster several older Pits who have been lost or owners have died and they were gentle loving dogs. Unfortunately this breed was chosen by some wackos to be fighting dogs because of their massive strength and tenasity. I saw what their training (torture) consists of and any animal would go insane when the things done to these poor Pits was done to them. I have seen an child mauled by a pekinese and also was myself bitten by the nastiest little chihuahua. My own dogs both pure bred Yorkshire Terrier sisters, same litter and both raised by me as puppies and Rosee is so sweet and I trust her completely but Reeta is a snit, she allows us to love her and is loving when in the mood but I always tell people she may bite so don't pick her up. My son always asks when he comes over, "does Reeta have PMS today?" A dog is just like a person, some are naturally sweet and some are testy, no way to tell either. Any breed of dog deserves love and will give back what they get usually... [Cool]