Takes a really rough and tough individual to sneak up behind a dog weighing usually under 7 pounds and scare it to death or into fainting. I'll tell you a true story. Once when living on the lake in Illinois, my little 6 pound Yorkie was out in the yard and a boy visiting my neighbor had my dog trapped against the wall and was banging a big stick on the ground in front of her. I rescued her and told him nicely, as he mouthed off, that if he did it again, I'd send her brother out to help her. Two days later I heard her screaming and the same little monster was at it again so I opened the door and let out her brother. The kid ended up on the ground shaking and crying and he pissed his pants. OH, did I forget to mention that her brother was a 110 pound doberman???? Bet that rotten little creep never bothers another little helpless dog.... [Razz]