I have had a fair amount of experience with possums as I grew up in Southern FL and there are tons of them there. Basically, they won't hurt you unless you go after them. So may advice-- just steer clear. Put your garabage cans in the garage or somewhere they cannot get to it. Possums are wild and you really can't dictate where they build their nests or anything like that. So just try to co-habitate peacefully!

Baby possums are super cute by the way! :-) There was one that used to come up by our back door to eat the dog's food. He was adorable-- only about 4 inches long. We didn't try to go near him of course, and the dogs naturally kept away (although mine now will "tree" one on the fence sometimes and lose their minds-- I usually go outside and haul them in long enough for the possum to clear out).

I believe it is our responsibility as humans and the "dominant" species of this planet to find ways to allow fellow creatures, who's habitat we have all but destroyed, to live among us (not in the house, but in the vicinity). They were here first after all!
