Very good idea Thistle, keep hem close to the house where you can monitor them.
Claire you never, never let a dog off it's leash no matter what the circumstances are especially when it's not even your own pet.
JJ, my Lord how awful and scary. I made sure long ago with double dead bolts, and no glass in my doors that are not laced with a screening material inside the glass, safety glass also I have an alarm on every entrance and all my windows have stuff piled in front of them, on the tables, nick nacks, book, candles. A person would make so much noise breaking in it wouldn't be worth it. Say where was Trixie during all this? She looks fierce enough to have made a fuss. Or bitten a butt... [Eek!]
NOW my biggest compaint about Halloween is dumb people that put costumes on their poor pets and parade them around. Makes me sick. [Mad]