Oh JJ, how perfectly horrid for you! I can't even imagine that happening, but of course you would dread every Halloween since it's a reminder.

We have quiet Halloweens out here in Warrenton. No "pranks", just groups of kids being shepherded about by parents. They are nice and polite and adorable and very well-behaved. Living out here in the country is so different from when we lived close into D.C. - Springfield was a madhouse on Halloween in fact...LOTS of noise, pranks, etc.

We live up on a hill and our driveway is very long. Only the hardiest groups bother to come up the driveway and I think it's just because I always decorate the porch and have several carved pumpkins for the kids to see. We also have those big plastic orange pumpkins that we put over the driveway lights that line the driveway so they can follow the line of pumpkins up to the sidewalk......Last year some older teens from one of the horse farms in the area came on their horses! They were in beautiful costumes and they were HANDING OUT candy - not collecting it - they mostly were visiting houses so children in the homes could come out and see the horses and pet them. I told them it was one of the most wonderful ideas I'd ever heard of for Halloween.