I believe forgiveness goes hand in hand with hating the sin but loving the sinner. I may hate what the purveyor of the hurt did to me, but I love the purveyor. No one is perfect and sin is powerful. Some are weaker vessels than others and can't seem to keep from sinning. Consider Judas. Of all 12 apostles, he was the one who folded to temptation and sold out Christ.

I really hate some of the things done to me and to others, but I pity the person who did them. How horrible to be such a pawn of sin. How terrible they must feel living in their own skin and what a terrible place they will go to if they don't repent of their sins and receive forgiveness from God.

How sorry I feel for them in their depravity. BUT I do feel the necessity to protect myself and mine from the results of their weakness. I feel sorry for the pedafile because how horrible it would be to be them, but the sin of pedaphilia, is beyond my forgiveness and I will protect my grandchildren and others to the best of my ability even to the taking of a life if need be.