I am getting sick of my hilights too, now Dotsie. I have an appointmaent next week. It's either all blonde, dark brown or back to hilights. Decisions, decisions. I saw something cute yesterday...Pigtails(low ones) with only 3 braids and the rest of the long hair hanging.
Louisa, perms are out for me..I've had a million. I like my long,straight, fine, hilighted ponytailed hair too much to get back into that regime in the morning.
Diamond, how long is your hair? TVC, you don't have a pic on your cooking site do you? Jackie is your hair long?
My Mom put rollers in her straight hair all her life...and wore them to bed, practically every night....God bless her.

[ March 15, 2006, 11:36 AM: Message edited by: chickadee ]