Renee, that is so weird. I was just thinking of posting the same thing about the two ponytails. I remember doing one over the other to try to make it look like I had a longer one.

I used to do the higlights/heavy frosting but went "totally blonde" several years ago, something I thought I would never do. The frosting grew out too quickly and I didn't get much out of it. It looked good for the first week or two then it looked awful. I like the one color better. I fluctuate. I get sick of it long and then cut it and then get tired of it short and want my long hair back and let it grow. I just had it cut shorter again a week ago.

I go every 5 weeks for a cut and color. It costs me $100 too, Chick. But, I'm very fussy about my hair and who cuts it. I do my own perms however. Have been doing them since I was 14. I use a professional perm. Hate doing it, but my hair is thick and straight. It needs a perm.
