Hi y'all, the pattern of marrying a partner who is like our father is a topic I cover heavily in my book. We are not only looking for obvious similarities, but the similarity of emotions we feel when in their company. Here's a passage from my book, and Todd was the man who married me (I was too passive) who was 18 years older than me and JUST LIKE MY FATHER: ***As I was responding to my counselor, I recognized the connection between my real father and my husband. There were obvious similarities between my father and Todd: My father liked country music, guns, and unfiltered cigarettes. There were also subtle similarities: Todd teased me like my father had and stirred sensations in the pit of my stomach, just like my father had. I was confused by Todd’s attention even as I craved affection, the same as with my father.***My now husband is not like my father or step father at all and I am not like the child I was or the young adult who got married to an older man. I noticed that my brothers' first wives are like my mother! Love and Light, Lynn