My SIL is going through the same thing. "What happened to the little girl that loved and cherished me for so many years and thought I was the greatest thing since sliced bread?"

Maybe he's feeling left out. I think girls go through a time frame when they simply relate to mom better. Women understand girls and vice versa.

He might feel like none of you need him since you operate the house fine without him. You know, men can be kind of childish sometimes and just not understand and God forbid, they would be the ones to reach out and be the adult! My husband also works in another state so I've started saving up things for him to do when he's home that require manual labor. He seems to appreciate it and stays busy cleaning the yard up and also the garage. It's fine with me. I don't like heavy work. This might make him feel better and maybe you could talk to your girls about it so they will be aware that he's feeling left out. Just my 2 cents here.