This was a complete surprise, because after years of having marital problems. I tried several times to get him to go to counceling with me. He would always say that it was a good idea, then procrastinate, and I always ended going alone.

I finally decided to leave him, he didn't think I would do it. When I did, he begged me to stay, and then when that didn't work this time, he finally went to counceling. My leaving was the final push for him to finally go and get the counceling that he so much needed.

We were separated for 8 months, and then I decided to try to work things out with him. Now we have been seeing this same councelor together. This councelor, a male, did not sugar coat things with him either. He was told that he was a narcissist and an extremely selfish person. But that he wanted to help him.

We have been back together for a year and a half now. This does not mean that everything is rosy 100%, nothing ever is.

I just hope that there can be a solution for you, or at least a starting point. Also, pray, that usually helps too. Maybe you will not notice right away, but God does have His own timing and He knows best.

Love and Hugs,

BTW Smile, I agree with you. I think the word addiction is an excuse for most people. If this is an addiction, well, people for years have overcome addiction to many different things.

Love and Hugs,