Dear Smilinize,
I agree with you 100% as to the personal emails and photos. And to me speaks volumes of the kind of woman his Ex is. I think that is what frustrates me most is how stupid do these two think I am?? He told me he thought she was sending him pictures of the kids... LOL.. Again he brought up, my problems with his children and how they want nothing to do with me so this is why... BLAH! BLAH! BLAH! I told him they why after the first email did he continue to receive them? HIM: head down, no response. Also when I confronted the Ex wife she said she sent them in error. MY RESPONSE: 20 times????

My husband and I have since sat down and talked about this and I told him I loved him but not at the expense of my dignity. He said how was your dignity hurt, it was his that was hurt - he got caught and he shouldn't have down it. But he still can't tell me why? I told him and will continue to say - he knew exactly what the pictures were which is why he signed up for a different email address.