Any advise??
I can tell you what I think as an outsider looking in.

You've heard the words, it takes two to tango. Well he doesn't seem to want to tango. In other words, he is not doing his part, not at all. The ex-wife is really an imbecille if she thought you would believe her excuse. I am sorry but these people have issues and they are dragging you down with them.

If the reason you are staying is because you don't want to throw away 10 years. If I may be so bold, that is not a good reason to stay with the creep.

Here is something else, a little project for you. You can do the Benjamin Franklin method. When Benjamin Franklin needed to make a decision, he used this simple method. Take a piece of paper, make a large "T". On top of one side write "Pro", and the on the other write "Con". Then proceed to list the pros and cons to staying with this man. Then what Benjamin Franklin would do is see which side of the list was longer, that would determine his decision. I hope this helps.

Try to picture yourself a few years from now. One picture with this man. The other without him. That usually helps too.

Hugs and Blessings,