Originally posted by msdiana:
i have a slightly different take on the whole married men chatting it up with other women thing...
it's not about jealousy or insecurity...it's about territory...why the sam hill would i tolerate another woman having a part of my husband's life that is mine? (ie: conversations that the most important woman in his life isn't privy to)...
a man may be many wonderful things but sharing himself at the expense of his wife's peace of mind overrides EVERYthing he does that's wonderful...
i would wonder what else is he sharing? maybe he's not sharing physically but it's a good bet he's confiding in ms.thang about his marriage and all the other goods that are the wife's territory -- and how long til he does share physically...personally, i don't think i could get past the possibility that i was being talked about, let alone sharing physical affections...

Thanks for the PostMSDiana..that is exactlyhow I feel, [Mad] and that passionately, too. I know I will not be able to just let it go forever. I will let the forum knows what happens. [Frown]