Addiction happens when a person chooses to do anything that masks their pain. Putting a needle in one's arm, taking that drink, pulling the handle on a slot machine, shopping, working too much, the list goes on and on. Any behavior that takes one away from their loved ones, destroys marriages and families, causes job loss, creates financial problems, these are a few of the measures of whether someone has an addiction.

Sex is an especially easy addiction for a man who doesn't learn to deal with his problems; it is everywhere. Look at the lure sex can have: instant gratification, stroking of one's ego, the lure of romance; all strong feelings to help avoid the real issues in one's life that need attention. Many in our society still have the idea "boys will be boys" and turn a blind eye when a husband leers at another woman, looks at trash magazines, porn on the Internet, even the soft-porn commericals we see every day on TV. I myself am sick of seeing young women in bikini's, writhing with phony sexual desire everytime I turn around.

The worse thing is porn and affairs don't satisfy or heal, only mask the problems that still exist, so the behavior becomes more deviant and has a stronger hold on a person, just like any addiction. It dehumanizes women, reducing us to body parts. Don't agree? Look at the incidence of date rape today. Every single day we hear about a woman or child disappearing and later the body found, raped and tossed aside like so much garbage. Remember how SHOCKED we were at Richard Speck? I carried the horror of that for years; now I try not to listen to the daily stories of horror.

I agree with you. This is a choice. When I was growing up my parents talked to me about the dangers of drugs, all the while dinking and smoking themselves to death. Thank God we understand a little more about that river De Nile and the destruction it can cause in our lives.