Sex? What's that (LOL)?!? Seriously... too much other stuff going on in mine and my hubby's life to even think about it at this point! Both our libidos went somewhere... where? we are both still trying to figure this out b/c when we hug and kiss the desire and chemistry is still there (for sure!) but he and I are always so darn tired it isn't funny. My hubby has even said that sex is like doing exercise and he just doesn't have that kind of energy anymore... neither do I, unfortunately. But I know it has nothing to do with our ages -- he's only a week older than I, so he will be 47 a week before me! -- but our "emotional baggage,working so darn hard and medications we both take" may have more to do with it. Medications we're both on COULD be playing a role with our libidos not firing right... me for chronic back & knee pain and depression; him for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and ADHD! Though let me tell you girls, when we hug and kiss and hold one another tight it is as if we are having sex... Remembering the early part of our marriage (lots and lots of sex for sure) is what keeps us going besides our love for each other... In other words, we are both too tired just now but know we won't always be. And we both feel that there is much more to LOVE than sex...