Julie, on Wednesday 4/20 Oprah will be discussing this very question. Afterwards, the Oprah message boards and support groups will light up with women who are asking the same quesiton. I'm in Eagle's boat. To exhaustion & depression add multiple moves, infrequent vacations, job hirings and firings, uncovering repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse PLUS a bout of cancer leading to bilateral mastectomy and that equals...well, let's just say, that adds up to ZERO. Not that the spark is not there, not that the desire is not there. It's just that my husband and I are working on a new pattern, and that takes time. Oh, and we are both on anti-depressants, which leads to lack of libido. However, my husband and I always talk about it, have had counseling together about it, and turn to each other about sex, even when we are not having it. Phew! That was kind of hard to answer, but then I am writing a book about learning to trust again after trauma, including the trust that develops with sexual intimacy, so I better get used to reaching out to answer when women kind ask. Love and Light, Lynn