
I don't think this was a case of people not being compassionate. I think it was a case of communication errors.

I talked to her offline because I saw it coming - she was VERY open to what I had to say - but in the end, I think she felt like she didn't fit in.

When people speak in "generalizations" and they use "fighting words" other people get offended. And when called on it - she began to feel picked on. She chose to take her ball and go home.

As the forums grow, situations like this will grow also. We will have people come and go.

I think we are very much an OPEN group, willing to accept people where they are at. I think it becomes difficult when people come to us - and myabe they aren't careful how THEY communicate.

You know Dots, I think we should have a sticky that shares "everything I learned about communication, I learned in Kindergarten". Maybe we could put some words of wisdom out there for new posters.

I have never been a part of a more active, positive, accepting group.