
I have a niece of the same name. She is beautiful, but blonde and of Irish descent. As am I. So how is it that Italy is preferrable to the Us? This is a real question and not meant to demean anyone living in America. Just curious as I have never been abroad.

And I am an admirer of Andrea Bocelli. What do Italians think of this man? I think Americans were initially enamoured, but after a few interviews, he tanked. I guess a beautiful voice just doesn't cut it all - you need some "television presence" as well...or at least a better ability to speak English. I heard him say tho, well, where are Americans learning Italian? Poinnt well taken. I still play his music at full volume whenever I can and look forward to new releases .....

Think I'm supposed to say Ciao!


Western, can I come over? I'm originally from around Chicago and there's not a "one" nor a "celli" nor any Italian suffix anywhere around here. I miss my meatballs......These people are all Irish (of which I am one, but saved by my mother's southern cooking)and no one thinks THEY can cook!!!! Can't get a decent meatball in a 1000 miles.........rats.