Consider the therapist has a problem - s/he has to make money to live - and the way s/he gets that money is if YOU have enough problems (real or imagined) to keep coming back... <lol>

I firmly believe getting help when help is needed but I have also been in the position to realize that the shrink *needed* for me to have many, many problems so he could get $$$. In my case what I needed was medication to "jump start" the seratonin (if that's how it's spelled) levels in my body. Once that happened, I left the therapist and have been the better for it.

Dave's cousin is a shrink and was talking to Dave one time about "someone" who was seeing him. He said he didn't know when this person would be well enough to stop seeing a shrink. Dave told him "when the money runs out". His cousin was not amused.