Smilinize~ I LOVE your approach.

I sort of tried that with her the first couple of sessions. I didn't have it all mapped out like you did though. But I wanted to give her the drive-thru version of my life so I could hit the highlights and maybe she could circle 'round and hit the hot spots.

But geeze, do they really get people who just have absolutely NO insight whatsoever? Because that's what it sounds like.

And last week when I told her something .....I don't know what but it was something where I stood my ground... not really a big deal, I thought she was going to break out the pompoms and do a cheer. Okay, CALM DOwn lady!

I just get frustrated sometimes. Life gives you plenty of situations and you have a certain set of parameters that you have to operate in.

For instance, my irritating co-worker being... well, I'm not going to quit over her checkbook thing, of course she's not going to quit, we're both 50 so it's doubtful either one of us thinks we're doing anything wrong, and it's doubtful that either one of us is going to change. She'll be annoying and I'll be annoyed... *HAHahahahahhahahah*
But really, it's all workable.

And Merry~ thank you for your insight. I think that's nice that you noticed in that bried of a time, I never though about it like that, but really ... you're right, I do. I have a spitfire temper too. But I get riled and then after I vent, I feel better.

I like who I am. I just wouldn't know how to be anyone else, even with all my insecurities and my strengths, at the end of the day, I'm just a person, just a regular person. I have to shave my legs when I can actually see the hair , just like everyone else. [Roll Eyes]

[ July 06, 2004, 10:23 PM: Message edited by: DreamrKate ]