Mmmm.... yeah, I think so sometimes. But I think you end up, if you're smart, with the people who mean a lot and elt the others fall away.

We were real involved with our church for a long time. I sang just about every service and Scott drove the church bus every single service for three years. Then we had our 3rd and then 4th child and it was too much. WAY too much. And we tried to do it all but then started to feel 'put upon' and backed off, and we went WAYYYYYY back to the point of dropping out for several years, not completely but out of service. And then, obviously we had problems. I think it was a combination of all of it, lots of pressure. Now I see us coming back, not to that extent I don't think but back into being useful.
Oh, but I had a point...the one thing I found difficult about church was that everyone knew us and knew everything about us. I found that to be terribly annoying and irritating and it kept me out of church. Then I really prayed for a change of heart....and then I went back, because the good thing about our church was that everyone knew us and knew everything about us.

Growth is SOOOOO amazing, isn't it?

Kate [Big Grin]