Heck, now I'm not sure where to post this.

Let's see, Dots ~ My husband was raised in church I suppose, but I think it was because it "looked" good, not necessarily because there was any huge comittment to God or because of any strength in faith; that came to his parents much, much later.

I think "faith" has changed in a sense. (And mind you, I could be WAY off here but this is what I think [Smile] )

I think faith is different for our generation because we want something real. We want something that we believe in because we really really believe in it, not because you meet the right people there or because it looks good to the neighbors. I went to church when I was younger, but not because my family did but because I happened to always have a best friend who was involved.
Scott went to church because they went every week and that's just what they did, but his mom was/is such an Edith Bunker and his dad(step) SUCH an Archie, smiling and cussing behind the neighbor's backs that I'm sure the family got mixed messages.
It wasn't until years and years later that both parents got saved and really started to change and realize that "it" (faith/belief) could make a difference in your life.
Scott got saved about 18 years ago and although it made a difference in his life, the old ways, the flesh, still was very difficult to shake loose. But it's interesting, when he got saved he quit drinking and quit swearing and he was kind of good at both. Now I can't even imagine it. But the drug thing died hard.
But during that time I got to see the guy that I knew was really in there, and he's a good guy, a kind guy, a very fun-for-me guy so when we spent the last years going through the rough road again it was difficult (to say the least). But I think I have him back now and it's just been swell.

[Big Grin] I say we meet in Las Vegas toward the end of the year and I can bring him for Show and Tell!
