Dots~ THANK YOU! I was just thinking about that all evening. Is there some hidden thing that I am just not admitting?

There were a couple of things that I probably won't go into on the board, that happened when I was growing up but they are things that I feel that I've resolved and been healed of, so I don't feel at all pressed to dredge them up. And I have complete understanding that they attributed to how I deal with things as an adult and I understand how they might make me hesitant to forge on ahead and "be all I can be" but I'm so self-analyzing all the time that I'm constantly fine tuning myself.
I know that my hesitance to submit articles to magazines has to do with a fear of failure; the same with my painting projects; and anything like that. So I am aware and I always nudge myself along... and so on and so on.....

I just don't get what the benefit is to dump all the stuff out again, so that I work through it again...why? I don't think much is accomplished dwelling on anything negative... unless there are some really negative things going on in your life, or your behaviors and you have to find the source.

Thanks Dots for the response.
