I also enjoyindg knitting and embroidering, which i have been doing a lot of in the past few years with two grandchildren entering our family. I started a baby quilt when my first grandchild was announced, it wasn't finished by the second grandchild showed up two years later. My daughter she may have another child in three years maybe finished by then. Right now i am working on a baby announcement picture, i might add the child is six months now. i also like cooking and baking, but with my work schedule and no kids at home i not able to exercise my passion, my husband has no sweet tooth. my husband feels insecure if i work with my hands doing crafts that i enjoy even if we are watching tv. I getting to the point that i turning a deaf ear to his protest, if he in his retiring years doesn't have a hobby other than sleeping, and watching tv that is his problem not mind. chichii